Thursday, November 15, 2007

Reaching Out to Those We Serve

Reaching out beyond where we have been, brings with it the joy and fun of movement and adventure.

It takes us beyond our places of comfort and transports us to a new place of being.

With clear vision and foresight, we can move into a space of greater enjoyment, greater experience, greater service.

By taking a few moments on a regular basis and sitting quietly with the thought of who we are ‘servant’ to, we can come closer to why we are here on this Earth

and who we are to serve.

We all are servant to different people.

Some serve those that are ill.

Some serve those that build structures.

Some serve by creating beauty.

There are many kinds of service.

The ‘key’ to knowing, is looking often into the face of the Creator and asking the question, ‘how may I serve’ and then listening to what you hear.

The face of the Creator can be seen clearly on the face of the poor, the hungry,

the homeless, the fearful…

Opportunities abound.

The question is, ‘Do you want to know?’…and

‘What are you willing to do about it?’

So chose this day whom you will serve…and take delight in it…