Because our Wisdom Circle has been meeting together for such a long time, we have created a 'sense of family' within the group.
This has allowed the opportunity for deep sharing and openness that wasn't there when we first began.
This openness allows for great truth-telling among the members and tremendous sharing of wisdom.
The trust level is so deep, there is a willingness to open to receiving feedback about areas of our lives that may not be working as well as we would like.
It gives each individual the opportunity to get a different perspective and a different view of where we are currently standing.
This different view can provide a new look at an old challenge.
It can give us a snapshot of what is working and what is not from a new vantage point.
It can provide us with what we 'look' like from the point of view of another.
This new 'view' can truly help give us a larger sense of what is going on... what is trying to happen.
This other perspective, if shared in love, can be healing and affirming.
This other perspective, if received in love, can be healing and affirming.
Because we live in a 'relationship-oriented' world, feedback from others can give us valuable information.
It must be balanced though, with what we know to be true within ourselves.
Trusting our inner Spirit to teach us to discern, truth vs. fiction is a lifelong process.
As we grow in Spirit and in truth, we come to 'see' and 'feel' and 'sense' in ways that reflect a deeper 'knowing' of the way things really are.
It becomes easier to see, feel and sense in a deeper way, allowing the peripheral 'stuff' to float away and out of the equation.
How blessed we are to be guided by our Creator to come to know ourselves and others as Divine creations continually opening to larger 'versions' of who we are.
Thank goodness the Creator has a view that includes those aspects of ourselves that are still hidden from us.
Thank goodness the Creator covers our imperfections with Love, Forgiveness, and a huge helping of Grace.
What a wonderful world is ours...
This has allowed the opportunity for deep sharing and openness that wasn't there when we first began.
This openness allows for great truth-telling among the members and tremendous sharing of wisdom.
The trust level is so deep, there is a willingness to open to receiving feedback about areas of our lives that may not be working as well as we would like.
It gives each individual the opportunity to get a different perspective and a different view of where we are currently standing.
This different view can provide a new look at an old challenge.
It can give us a snapshot of what is working and what is not from a new vantage point.
It can provide us with what we 'look' like from the point of view of another.
This new 'view' can truly help give us a larger sense of what is going on... what is trying to happen.
This other perspective, if shared in love, can be healing and affirming.
This other perspective, if received in love, can be healing and affirming.
Because we live in a 'relationship-oriented' world, feedback from others can give us valuable information.
It must be balanced though, with what we know to be true within ourselves.
Trusting our inner Spirit to teach us to discern, truth vs. fiction is a lifelong process.
As we grow in Spirit and in truth, we come to 'see' and 'feel' and 'sense' in ways that reflect a deeper 'knowing' of the way things really are.
It becomes easier to see, feel and sense in a deeper way, allowing the peripheral 'stuff' to float away and out of the equation.
How blessed we are to be guided by our Creator to come to know ourselves and others as Divine creations continually opening to larger 'versions' of who we are.
Thank goodness the Creator has a view that includes those aspects of ourselves that are still hidden from us.
Thank goodness the Creator covers our imperfections with Love, Forgiveness, and a huge helping of Grace.
What a wonderful world is ours...