Friday, June 27, 2008

Could You Give Me a Little Boost...?

As we travel along life's highway, sometimes we may need a little boost.
Mentors, coaches, spiritual directors can do just that.
They can 'see', 'feel' and 'sense' what we might not be able to identify...or
they can help us sense it for ourselves.
One of the skills that they have is they 'hold space' for us.
Holding space entails just that...holding the potential of what can be in an expanded form.
It does not require them to know what specifically that might look like...
You might say they just hold the 'belief' or 'knowing' that there is something greater that has the possibility of happening.
This creates a powerful energy field that supports our own beliefs as to what is possible.
As we 'tap' into their 'beliefs', we shift our own 'belief' about all that is possible.

Sometimes, this help is like getting roadside assistance.
I remember the last time I had car trouble and called AAA.
I remember the wonderful feeling that there was someone I could call that could transform my rather unpleasant situation into one of peace.
It was amazing how quickly the AAA truck driver came...and the dispatcher called to make sure that my 'help' had arrived right away.
The gentleman was tremendous.
He knew exactly what to do.
His experience with others just like me exuded a type of confidence that was very reassuring to me.
I felt more confident just 'being' with him.
The outcome was great and it made me commit to myself that I could always know that assistance is very accessible to me.
It reminded me that there is so much help available to all of us at all times.

So the next time you are in need of a short 'tow', another opinion, more water in your radiator, just call on your guides and angels, coaches and directors and give them an opportunity to share their wisdom and give you the assistance you need.
The world is full of support for all those who will open to ask.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Your Hands Can Be Instruments of Love...

What a blessing to have hands...
Through our hands, we experience the world.
We experience other people.
We experience textures, depths, dimensions, temperatures...
We form things with our hands.
We reach out with our hands.
We create with our hands.
We speak and communicate with our hands.
We tell stories about life with our hands.
We hold things.
We support.
We put together.
We break down.
We clean.
We write.
We move.
We hold still.

Our hands are instruments.
They can be instruments of chaos and destruction and hurtfulness or...
They can be instruments of healing and repair and redesign.
Every moment we choose.
Which will they be?

What a gift they are to us.
Do we truly appreciate how amazing they are?
All the different ways they can move and feel make them agents for miracles to happen.
They allow us to enliven our existence and make every experience so much richer.

When I hold the image above in my heart and let it speak to me, it tells me about the importance of our hands communicating the love in our hearts.
Our hands can 'speak' love by a gentle touch, creating connection.
Our hands can 'speak' reconciliation by a gesture of support.
Our hands can 'speak' of unity with the Divine when we hold them up in prayer and gratitude.

Hold your hands before you...look deeply at the beauty they hold...see them as if for the first time and wonder about the miracle they are...send gratitude for the gift they are in your life...promise to take good care of them for as long as they are yours to have and hold...and honor them always in being instruments of peace in the world.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

How Empty is Your Cup?

In order for Spirit (God) to fill your cup, it must first be emptied of all those things that are in the way of your receiving all that you desire.
In my experience, the things that tend to 'get in the way' include my ego, my sense of not having enough time, other things that take first priority...and the list goes on.
When I forget Who made me and Why I am here, I get my priorities all mixed up and wind up filling my cup with all sorts of distractions.
Then I wind up needing to spend focused energy on rearranging my priorities and finding my center.

Creating ceremony can be very helpful in releasing all that no longer serves you.
Utilizing ceremony invites in the 'sacred' and creates a larger space for Spirit to enter.
My favorite releasing ceremonies include a candle that represents my own inner light and its connection to the Divine.
Incense further shifts my energy to the sacred as I inhale purifying scents of sage or peppermint or rosemary.
I often use a cup or a special chalice that I was given many moons ago.
I use the empty cup to remind me of the emptiness that I desire as I release all that is in the way of Spirit fully entering my being.
Entering a prayerful, meditative state with an open heart and mind connects me further with my Maker.
Then, I focus on allowing the power of the Christ force to come within me and guide me into a space of full surrender.
Experiencing emptiness brings a sense of true peace and stillness.

And then when I am 'full' of 'emptiness', I can begin to remember how to receive.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

How Full is Your Cup?

Whenever I see an image of a cup, I am reminded of a dear friend.
She said one day, 'it isn't that my cup is half isn't that my cup is half empty...the truth is I don't even have a cup...'
She was sensing that she was so 'empty' and drained that she didn't have any way to hold her own Spirit.
She tried to refill her thirsty soul by going on a silent retreat.
She found herself happy in the shower one morning and started singing.
Later that day she was reprimanded for not being 'silent' in the shower since it was a 'silent' retreat.
She tried reading spiritual books, going to spiritual services, and on and on...
She really worked hard at 'trying' to fill herself back up again.

So it is with so many of us.
We spend so much time 'doing' things to fill ourselves as if it is a job
that we must accomplish.
In my experience, what has worked best is to first create a space for receiving from Spirit.
For me, that translates into creating intention, setting aside time, choosing a place that connects me with my Creator, and creating ceremony that moves my inner Spirit into a mode of receptivity.
That most often involves music and sacred objects that remind me of why I am here and what my service is in the world.
When I create this experience, all that is left for me to 'do' is show up.
The presence of the Spirit of the Creator is so very available and accessible
by any open heart.
It is a place to rest, to receive, to remember and to renew.
Come drink from the cup that invites you to thirst no more...

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Can You Sense What is Hatching Within You?

Within each of us is the potential of who and what we are becoming.
It sits expectantly, awaiting our command to come forth.
It may take the form of fully mature, or it may appear to us in an egg that needs maturing.
Either way, the potential is ours to call forth.
It cannot be 'birthed' until we create the intention for its opening and we act on our intention.

The beauty of the fully mature substance that we call forth is that when it 'appears', it is often ready to 'rock and roll'.
It comes forth in a form that is almost operational.
It presents to us an idea in motion, already on its way to being.
Sometimes that takes the form of a job, a gift, a home, a project, a relationship.

The beauty of the immature egg, is in the substance that it is made of.
The substance is not yet solid.
It is asking for support and nurturance to be developed.
It comes forth as a gift to be grown and loved and cared for.
It is only with this care that it can achieve what it was originally designed for.
Sometimes the 'egg' takes the form of an idea, a concept, a form.

Whatever is resting within you, let it speak to you of its nature, its desires, its hopes and its potential.
Let it awaken within you a desire to become more of who you are here to become.

Say YES, to the joy of exploration.
Say Yes, to dancing with the mystery of the unknown.
Say Yes, to the spark that is igniting the passion of service.

There is no better time than this.
The invitation has been sent.
What thinkest thou?