Friday, May 30, 2008

Sacred Movement

So much of our lives we spend stationary.
Our 'sitter' is placed carefully on a chair, and we move into an experience of relative inactivity.
We respond as little as possible to distractions in our environment, and continue trying to maintain this very important motionless position.
What do we accomplish? We manage to put our wonderful bodies into a state of disconnect because the body was made to 'move'.
It was Divinely created to be in a dynamic state of movement and shifting and lifting and lowering...
Just like what we see in Nature.
Look at the those creations that inhabit the ocean.
Because of the water element they live in, they are in constant motion.
They shift their habitats as well as they connect in with the rhythm of the tides.

Our bodies are mostly water.
They want to move.
They want to breathe deeply.
They want to explore.
They want to become renewed.
They want to experience diverse conditions.
They want to change and metamorph into other life forms.

Sacred Movement is a way of consciously connecting with Spirit through movement.
It can become a prayer, a meditation, of gratitude for the gift of life.
Sacred movement can be simply an opening of the Spirit to allow the sacred dance within to be expressed.
There are no 'rules' as to how it must be 'performed'.
The beauty of it is that it is a way of giving the body permission to move authentically and freely in any way it so desires.
It is a way of facilitating Self expression.
It is a way of facilitating healing as we move in ways that we haven't since we were children.

A dear friend of mine regularly uses sacred movement to help her create 'movement' or transitions in her life.
When she wants to take a leap of faith, she gets up on a table or chair and 'practices' taking leaps of faith.
When she wants to 'stretch' her Spirit, she does just that...she imagines herself stretching her Spirit as she stretches her body in ways that she hasn't stretched it in many moons.
She practices opening her heart by listening and free dancing to songs of the heart.
When she wants to be inspired, she pretends to be an inspired dancer performing a magnificent ballet.
When she wants to feel deep peace, she becomes the sacred movement of the ocean.
When she wants to move mountains with her work in the world, she dances a volcanic eruption like has never been experienced in the world before.

Movement and Dance are ways to open to new experiences, to create new aspects of life for ourselves and others.
By witnessing the authentic movement of another, we witness their unique style or gift of being in the world.
We honor their way of being as Spirit-filled.
We 'see' the Divine within them and help them open to more of its expression.

Sometime soon, when no one is looking, pick a favorite song, and dance your heartsong like you have never danced before.
Feel the magic...feel the wonder...surprise yourself...allow yourself to 'be' in a whole new way...and then invite another to experience this for themselves as well.