Saturday, February 23, 2008

Who's Been Waiting on You to Blossom?

As I walked the hills of Loma Linda this morning, I noticed how many butterflies, bees and other wild looking bugs were in a state of ecstasy over the blooming of so many flowers.
We have had alot more rain this year, and because of that, the hills are a beautiful lush green with bursts of yellow flowers.

I found myself reminded again of the incredible rhythm and sequencing of Mother Nature.
There is a pattern of what must come first, second and so on.
Mother Nature honors that sequence and order of things.
Each element KNOWS who it is and why it is there and what's its purpose and service is.

Also, each element depends on the one that comes before it.
It must do its part so that the life cycle can continue.
If anyone element in the cycle doesn't 'show up' and complete her assignment, the entire process can fall apart.
There is an interdependence that is in place that honors the work of all things...none more important or significant than the other.
Each, in its own place, in its own time, critical for the wellbeing of the whole.

So it is with us.
We each have a different role.
If we get distracted or choose to take our path in other directions, then there are always natural consequences that occur.
Adjustments must be made and other course corrections put in place.
The Universe is so interconnected, that it is constantly in motion.
Shifts and alternative plans are always happening due to these changing of events.

It is very important that we stay true to who we are and why we are here.
Others are counting on our 'showing up' in certain ways to support their unfolding.
As we stay true to who we are becoming and allow our own blossoming,
we can be of truer service to those that are also coming forth to blossom.

Remember who you are...
Remember why you are here...
Remember who you are here to serve...
Remember Who you belong to...
Remember to blossom...
