Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Wisdom Circle - Renewal

One of the most powerful experiences in a Wisdom Circle is the experience of renewal of Spirit that is created when like-minded souls come together.
When our group first started, we had all sorts of wonderful agendas and focus areas of study.
We still do.
But what continues to be one of the most important functions of the Circle is re-newal.
When we come together, we share our stories from the week.
We share 'what has been learning us'.
We pray and meditate together and in sharing our 'energies' we help to uplift each other's energy, vitality, strength, courage and focus.
This experience in the Circle has often been the one that goes unnoticed until a member is absent.
Then we hear reports of 'wow, I missed the Circle...I noticed my energy just wasn't what it has been'...and 'I surely was more tired this week since I missed the group'.

The power of the form of the Circle shape is truly amazing in that it creates this flow of support.
Within this circular form, there are no interruptions or barriers to the natural flow of energy.
There are no corners, no angles, no dead spaces to block the movement of vitality.
The end result is that this energy moves freely around the Circle filling everyone's cup.
This experience creates a sense of renewal and refreshment and re-fueling.
Each member experiences release of those energies that no longer serve them and replacement with new energies that reenergize their entire cellular makeup.

By simply showing up to the Circle, the blessing of Spirit is made available to all.
By simply showing up, we are offered the 'cup' of life force by our Creator.
By simply showing up, we open the door to our souls and create a space for feasting at the Table of God.
By simply showing up, we acknowledge our Source.
By simply showing up, we receive and are blessed.