About a year and a half ago, Kevin Kaiser and Sarah Ingier held an amazing Bliss Retreat in Hawaii.
The wild and wonderful human beings in the picture above, were all present for this amazing adventure.
This picture was taken at the site of an incredible Volcano Cauldron.
The power of the place was something that could be palpated.
The retreat was all about finding your BLISS...not just anyone's BLISS, but your OWN BLISS.
The group 'held space' for each member to have an experience that could transcend the 'ho-hum' and create just pure unadulterated joy.
The two that led the group, Sarah and Kevin, live in this state of BLISS much of the time.
They are familiar with what it feels like, tastes like, smells like...
And, they held an intention that they wanted to support this group in identifying and experiencing this same lovely 'space' of BLISS.
Because we were being led by those that had 'been there' before, it didn't take long until we were each initiating our own blissful experiences.
For some, it was a lifelong dream fulfilled of swimming with the dolphins.
For others, it was the peaceful experience of playing in the surf with the setting sun bouncing light off their shoulders.
For others, it was waking up to the sound of the gentle ocean breeze carressing the palm trees and inviting them into a brand new day.
As each member of the group began to move into a whole new 'space' of possibilities related to how beautiful and blissful life can be, we felt the power of positive group action.
Each of us sensed this 'aliveness' in the other.
Each of us delighted in the joy experienced by our fellow traveler.
Each of us continued creating the intention that the group would find a place of total BLISS and freedom.
...and we did...
The power of the law of group action can be one of empowerment.
It can bring those in challenging situations up to a place of hopefulness.
By the group holding intention for each member, greater miracles become possible...probable...
The phrase, 'the sum is greater than the parts' is certainly true for the law of group action.
Try it some time...create an intention with others and watch the magic happen.
What group action is trying to happen?
How can your group make the world a better place today?
The wild and wonderful human beings in the picture above, were all present for this amazing adventure.
This picture was taken at the site of an incredible Volcano Cauldron.
The power of the place was something that could be palpated.
The retreat was all about finding your BLISS...not just anyone's BLISS, but your OWN BLISS.
The group 'held space' for each member to have an experience that could transcend the 'ho-hum' and create just pure unadulterated joy.
The two that led the group, Sarah and Kevin, live in this state of BLISS much of the time.
They are familiar with what it feels like, tastes like, smells like...
And, they held an intention that they wanted to support this group in identifying and experiencing this same lovely 'space' of BLISS.
Because we were being led by those that had 'been there' before, it didn't take long until we were each initiating our own blissful experiences.
For some, it was a lifelong dream fulfilled of swimming with the dolphins.
For others, it was the peaceful experience of playing in the surf with the setting sun bouncing light off their shoulders.
For others, it was waking up to the sound of the gentle ocean breeze carressing the palm trees and inviting them into a brand new day.
As each member of the group began to move into a whole new 'space' of possibilities related to how beautiful and blissful life can be, we felt the power of positive group action.
Each of us sensed this 'aliveness' in the other.
Each of us delighted in the joy experienced by our fellow traveler.
Each of us continued creating the intention that the group would find a place of total BLISS and freedom.
...and we did...
The power of the law of group action can be one of empowerment.
It can bring those in challenging situations up to a place of hopefulness.
By the group holding intention for each member, greater miracles become possible...probable...
The phrase, 'the sum is greater than the parts' is certainly true for the law of group action.
Try it some time...create an intention with others and watch the magic happen.
What group action is trying to happen?
How can your group make the world a better place today?