Saturday, December 15, 2007

Wisdom Circle - Creative Expression

Over the years, our Wisdom Circle has created lots of different kinds of programs.
Sometimes the focus is music, sometimes different religious traditions, sometimes spiritual laws.
But one of the things that we have committed to regularly incorporating into our Wisdom Circle is time and space for creative expression.
Most of the members of the Circle work in 'left - brained' professions and spend most of their days using logic and reason.
Much less frequently does the 'right - brain' get exercised and have an opportunity to express itself.
So our commitment has been to spend time with creative expression using the arts.
This may take the form of creating with clay, playing with playdo, coloring mandalas, making collages.

The pictures above are from a session we had using stones.
The content of our discussion was all about what gives us foundation, strength, courage, meaning, fortitude in our lives.
It was an opportunity for us to wonder about our Source.
We first chose stones that we felt connected to and 'grounded' us to the concept of 'Source'.
Stones are the great 'space holders' of the Earth.
They were a perfect element to use since we were exploring connection to the foundation of our lives.
Next, we did a guided imagery remembering those things in our lives that brought us these things or reminded us of these things.
At the conclusion of the meditation, in silence, we each began to draw an image that came to our awareness.

The drawings above represented some of the beautiful images of Source and foundation to our Circle members.
One shared that it was family that brought him a sense of foundation and wholeness.
Another had experienced the image of a spiral during the guided imagery meditation.
To her, the spiral represented the continuous, ever changing circle and spiral of life.
Another shared that the tree of life had always been a powerful image that connected the two worlds that we live in, Heaven and Earth, Above and Below.

We spent time with our images, individually and collectively.
We honored the wisdom of each member as they shared from their heart that which gave them hope, strength and support and meaning.
As each member shares their story, it becomes a blessing and a remembrance for all.
As each member acknowledged their own journey, we all were blessed by acknowledging our own journeys and the things that had carried us through.

Blessings come from simply witnessing the beauty in the story of another.
Being willing to show up, being vulnerable and sharing from the heart all came together to create a magical healing experience.

As Rainer Maria Rilke said many many years ago, 'the Circle heals'.