Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Wisdom Circle - Microcosm for the World

Within the Circle are gifts for healing the world, for learning to live in harmony with one another and with the Earth.
By taking the experiences from the Circle into
the world, we give voice to those values.
We give space to the wisdom of each
individual and to the beauty of each unique experience in life.
By learning to trust
within the Circle, we can ‘bridge’ that trust and integrity into all our relationships.
We can heal the world.

The Wisdom Circle is a perfect place to experience the values that we wish to bring into the world.
By creating a space rich with these values, principles, and the way we wish the world to be, we develop a microcosm of what we can then bring to the rest of our existence.
When we take the time to create an environment within the Circle that is full of love, light, wonder, wisdom, joy, the experience is so rich that we can't help but be inspired to bring that same experience to others and to the world.