Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Being Beauty

Mother Nature is incredible in the way that She just knows how to 'Be Beauty'.
Whether it is a feather that falls to the Earth from the wings of a Hawk, or a stone that lies gently on the Earth, She just seems to 'know' how to open to being beautiful.

Beauty is in the 'being'.
It is the light that shines forth from the Divine within.
It is the magic of the Spirit that dwells deep inside.
It is the movement of the fluid nature of the water that is so much a part of who we are.
It is the wisdom of knowing what to do, say, or be.
It is the tenderness of a gentle touch.
It is the courageous power of integrity.
It is the enduring passion of unconditional love.
It is the peace that passeth all understanding.
It is a random act of kindness.
It is a generous heart.
It is a life of service.
It is a healing hand.
It is an open mind.
It is in All That Is.