Within each of us is the potential of who and what we are becoming.
It sits expectantly, awaiting our command to come forth.
It may take the form of fully mature, or it may appear to us in an egg that needs maturing.
Either way, the potential is ours to call forth.
It cannot be 'birthed' until we create the intention for its opening and we act on our intention.
The beauty of the fully mature substance that we call forth is that when it 'appears', it is often ready to 'rock and roll'.
It comes forth in a form that is almost operational.
It presents to us an idea in motion, already on its way to being.
Sometimes that takes the form of a job, a gift, a home, a project, a relationship.
The beauty of the immature egg, is in the substance that it is made of.
The substance is not yet solid.
It is asking for support and nurturance to be developed.
It comes forth as a gift to be grown and loved and cared for.
It is only with this care that it can achieve what it was originally designed for.
Sometimes the 'egg' takes the form of an idea, a concept, a form.
Whatever is resting within you, let it speak to you of its nature, its desires, its hopes and its potential.
Let it awaken within you a desire to become more of who you are here to become.
Say YES, to the joy of exploration.
Say Yes, to dancing with the mystery of the unknown.
Say Yes, to the spark that is igniting the passion of service.
There is no better time than this.
The invitation has been sent.
What thinkest thou?
It sits expectantly, awaiting our command to come forth.
It may take the form of fully mature, or it may appear to us in an egg that needs maturing.
Either way, the potential is ours to call forth.
It cannot be 'birthed' until we create the intention for its opening and we act on our intention.
The beauty of the fully mature substance that we call forth is that when it 'appears', it is often ready to 'rock and roll'.
It comes forth in a form that is almost operational.
It presents to us an idea in motion, already on its way to being.
Sometimes that takes the form of a job, a gift, a home, a project, a relationship.
The beauty of the immature egg, is in the substance that it is made of.
The substance is not yet solid.
It is asking for support and nurturance to be developed.
It comes forth as a gift to be grown and loved and cared for.
It is only with this care that it can achieve what it was originally designed for.
Sometimes the 'egg' takes the form of an idea, a concept, a form.
Whatever is resting within you, let it speak to you of its nature, its desires, its hopes and its potential.
Let it awaken within you a desire to become more of who you are here to become.
Say YES, to the joy of exploration.
Say Yes, to dancing with the mystery of the unknown.
Say Yes, to the spark that is igniting the passion of service.
There is no better time than this.
The invitation has been sent.
What thinkest thou?