Saturday, May 31, 2008

Equal Distribution

I have been working on my sprinklers lately to make sure that all the grass and the scrubs and the trees get adequate water as the weather gets warmer.
In the backyard, I had to replace most of the sprinkler heads that were along the back wall.
They had become clogged with debris and dirt.
Several along the edges of the grassy area had become stuck and didn't 'pop-up' like they are supposed to do.
In the front yard, I had a challenge with distribution of the coverage.
There were some areas of lawn and greenery that were covered well and there were others that were getting next to no water at all.
There were other sprinklers that had been partly 'grown over' with grass.

So, now that I completed my assessment, it was time to make a trip to the hardware store and purchase the needed replacement parts...
This was certainly not as easy as I expected.
There seemed to be way too many choices and from the standpoint of an inexperienced consumer, I was a bit challenged.
But along came a wise old soul who was about 30 years old and saw my distress.
He proceeded to ask me what my problem was and then ever so carefully, went to the appropriate bins and chose the specific part.
Wow...what relief...
But then, how was I going to install these parts that all looked the same to me.

I called in the angels that help those that are not adept at sprinkler installation and proceeded to try to act confident.
Certainly I could do this...I am a nurse and have had to handle lots of human 'plumbing' problems and this couldn't be that difficult.

Well, the short story is that I made several more trips to the hardware store and sought the counsel of the wise young man.
He was gentle with me and helped me better understand what my 'real' problems were and what I needed to fix.
One of the biggest problems was the distribution.
Once I addressed distribution and even allocation of sprinkler responsibility for watering, then things starting going much better.
It became more and more clear where each type of sprinkler should be placed for maximum benefit and I wasn't oversprinkling some areas and undersprinkling others.

After getting totally soaked oh so many times, I finally sat down and asked my angels what this experience was really all about.
It was all a life lesson about how to build equal distribution in order for the grass and the trees and the garden of life to grow.
If there isn't even distribution for work, responsibility, energy consumption, etc., then the garden will suffer.
There won't be enough for some and there will be too much for others.
And the wisdom of the wise young man spoke to me said, 'it is really important to know clearly what you are trying to 'fix' before you go out to acquire the 'fixers'.

The angels of the sprinklers taught me to review my current life responsibilities and make changes where there is imbalance or unequal distribution.
I may go back to the wise young man in the hardware store to get another consult too...his deep listening to my distressed Spirit was such a gift.