Sunday, June 8, 2008

How Empty is Your Cup?

In order for Spirit (God) to fill your cup, it must first be emptied of all those things that are in the way of your receiving all that you desire.
In my experience, the things that tend to 'get in the way' include my ego, my sense of not having enough time, other things that take first priority...and the list goes on.
When I forget Who made me and Why I am here, I get my priorities all mixed up and wind up filling my cup with all sorts of distractions.
Then I wind up needing to spend focused energy on rearranging my priorities and finding my center.

Creating ceremony can be very helpful in releasing all that no longer serves you.
Utilizing ceremony invites in the 'sacred' and creates a larger space for Spirit to enter.
My favorite releasing ceremonies include a candle that represents my own inner light and its connection to the Divine.
Incense further shifts my energy to the sacred as I inhale purifying scents of sage or peppermint or rosemary.
I often use a cup or a special chalice that I was given many moons ago.
I use the empty cup to remind me of the emptiness that I desire as I release all that is in the way of Spirit fully entering my being.
Entering a prayerful, meditative state with an open heart and mind connects me further with my Maker.
Then, I focus on allowing the power of the Christ force to come within me and guide me into a space of full surrender.
Experiencing emptiness brings a sense of true peace and stillness.

And then when I am 'full' of 'emptiness', I can begin to remember how to receive.

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