Saturday, May 31, 2008

Equal Distribution

I have been working on my sprinklers lately to make sure that all the grass and the scrubs and the trees get adequate water as the weather gets warmer.
In the backyard, I had to replace most of the sprinkler heads that were along the back wall.
They had become clogged with debris and dirt.
Several along the edges of the grassy area had become stuck and didn't 'pop-up' like they are supposed to do.
In the front yard, I had a challenge with distribution of the coverage.
There were some areas of lawn and greenery that were covered well and there were others that were getting next to no water at all.
There were other sprinklers that had been partly 'grown over' with grass.

So, now that I completed my assessment, it was time to make a trip to the hardware store and purchase the needed replacement parts...
This was certainly not as easy as I expected.
There seemed to be way too many choices and from the standpoint of an inexperienced consumer, I was a bit challenged.
But along came a wise old soul who was about 30 years old and saw my distress.
He proceeded to ask me what my problem was and then ever so carefully, went to the appropriate bins and chose the specific part.
Wow...what relief...
But then, how was I going to install these parts that all looked the same to me.

I called in the angels that help those that are not adept at sprinkler installation and proceeded to try to act confident.
Certainly I could do this...I am a nurse and have had to handle lots of human 'plumbing' problems and this couldn't be that difficult.

Well, the short story is that I made several more trips to the hardware store and sought the counsel of the wise young man.
He was gentle with me and helped me better understand what my 'real' problems were and what I needed to fix.
One of the biggest problems was the distribution.
Once I addressed distribution and even allocation of sprinkler responsibility for watering, then things starting going much better.
It became more and more clear where each type of sprinkler should be placed for maximum benefit and I wasn't oversprinkling some areas and undersprinkling others.

After getting totally soaked oh so many times, I finally sat down and asked my angels what this experience was really all about.
It was all a life lesson about how to build equal distribution in order for the grass and the trees and the garden of life to grow.
If there isn't even distribution for work, responsibility, energy consumption, etc., then the garden will suffer.
There won't be enough for some and there will be too much for others.
And the wisdom of the wise young man spoke to me said, 'it is really important to know clearly what you are trying to 'fix' before you go out to acquire the 'fixers'.

The angels of the sprinklers taught me to review my current life responsibilities and make changes where there is imbalance or unequal distribution.
I may go back to the wise young man in the hardware store to get another consult too...his deep listening to my distressed Spirit was such a gift.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Sacred Movement

So much of our lives we spend stationary.
Our 'sitter' is placed carefully on a chair, and we move into an experience of relative inactivity.
We respond as little as possible to distractions in our environment, and continue trying to maintain this very important motionless position.
What do we accomplish? We manage to put our wonderful bodies into a state of disconnect because the body was made to 'move'.
It was Divinely created to be in a dynamic state of movement and shifting and lifting and lowering...
Just like what we see in Nature.
Look at the those creations that inhabit the ocean.
Because of the water element they live in, they are in constant motion.
They shift their habitats as well as they connect in with the rhythm of the tides.

Our bodies are mostly water.
They want to move.
They want to breathe deeply.
They want to explore.
They want to become renewed.
They want to experience diverse conditions.
They want to change and metamorph into other life forms.

Sacred Movement is a way of consciously connecting with Spirit through movement.
It can become a prayer, a meditation, of gratitude for the gift of life.
Sacred movement can be simply an opening of the Spirit to allow the sacred dance within to be expressed.
There are no 'rules' as to how it must be 'performed'.
The beauty of it is that it is a way of giving the body permission to move authentically and freely in any way it so desires.
It is a way of facilitating Self expression.
It is a way of facilitating healing as we move in ways that we haven't since we were children.

A dear friend of mine regularly uses sacred movement to help her create 'movement' or transitions in her life.
When she wants to take a leap of faith, she gets up on a table or chair and 'practices' taking leaps of faith.
When she wants to 'stretch' her Spirit, she does just that...she imagines herself stretching her Spirit as she stretches her body in ways that she hasn't stretched it in many moons.
She practices opening her heart by listening and free dancing to songs of the heart.
When she wants to be inspired, she pretends to be an inspired dancer performing a magnificent ballet.
When she wants to feel deep peace, she becomes the sacred movement of the ocean.
When she wants to move mountains with her work in the world, she dances a volcanic eruption like has never been experienced in the world before.

Movement and Dance are ways to open to new experiences, to create new aspects of life for ourselves and others.
By witnessing the authentic movement of another, we witness their unique style or gift of being in the world.
We honor their way of being as Spirit-filled.
We 'see' the Divine within them and help them open to more of its expression.

Sometime soon, when no one is looking, pick a favorite song, and dance your heartsong like you have never danced before.
Feel the magic...feel the wonder...surprise yourself...allow yourself to 'be' in a whole new way...and then invite another to experience this for themselves as well.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Create Your Own Community

The joy in the journey can be enhanced tremendously if you choose to create a community to share it with.
This community might be a 'religious' community, a 'civic' community, a community of folk that share a common experience.
There are so many different options of what you can create.

The synergistic healing energy that is created when human beings come together is powerful.
Opportunities to help each other with all manner of challenges comes up and solutions present themselves, often before the problems show up.
What develops is a true sense of support...not just in an emotional sense, but in all manner of tangible other ways.
Last week at our Wisdom Circle, Doug brought tomato plants to share with the group. He encouraged all members of the group to begin to experience the magic of working with the Earth, and harvesting the fruit.
Many of us haven't had the courage to attempt such a feat.
But from Doug's invitation, my sense is that several new 'green thumbs' have been birthed.
Last year, Steve and Shirley brought their homegrown tomatoes to 'seed' our interest which inspired us as well.

We can help each other in our circles of community in so many ways.
We can provide opportunities to learn, to grow, to plant, to reap, to harvest, to fail, to leap, to fall, to get back up again.

Create your own community that you will love to 'play' in and 'explore' will never be the same again...

Monday, May 12, 2008

Come on in the Water

Sometimes we spend time on the sidelines, watching others in the 'water'.
That's just fine.
Other times, it can be great to just get 'wet'.
Getting 'wet' gives us an opportunity to experience learn from seeing, feeling, hearing and touching the elements of this experience.
Younger folk often find this easier than those of us that have been around for a half a century or more.
There are fewer 'battle scars' in the younger years sometimes and there are less 'tapes' in our head that tell us it's a bad idea to get 'wet'.

But consider what is being life to its fullest...

Our God experiences life through us. God has an opportunity to 'taste' all that life has to offer as we 'taste' it.
So when an opportunity 'knocks' gently or not so gently on your door, consider if your Creator would enjoy a more invested experience.
And if you were God, what would you appreciate.

Consider an offering to your Creator a wider view, a larger vision, a deeper relationship with All That Is.

and then, 'go ahead and get wet'...

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Phil Arthur - Man of Courage and Heart

There was nothing that Phil couldn't, cars, sprinklers...anything mechanical.
He was amazing.
Through the way he lived his life, he taught many.
His patience was magnificent.
Broken things that others would walk away from, rather quickly, Phil would take on fixing with persistence and great fortitude.

He was also a great friend to many.
When they most needed just someone to 'be' with them, there was Phil.

Phil had a deep sense of courage.
He experienced significant suffering through the physical illnesses he experienced.
He somehow found the fortitude to move through these experiences.
He had great strength.
His auto-immune diseases tried to rob him of this but he refused.
Other, mere mortals, would have given in and up a long time ago, but not Phil.

And Phil had a great sense for choosing animals that were great partners.
Omar, his current feline friend and advisor, is a magnificent animal and they shared much love and tender moments together.

Phil left this Earth this past week after a wonderfully lived life.
He will be greatly missed by his family, friends and Omar.

Here was a few word from Phil in one of his last emails:
'Sometimes, what we care about most gets all used up and goes away, never to return.
So, while we have it, it's best we love it, and care for it, and fix it when it's broken, and heal it when it's sick.
This is true for marriage and old cars and motorcycles and children with bad report cards, dogs and cats with bad hips and aging parents.
We keep them because they are worth it, because we are worth it.
Some things we keep, like a best friend that moved away or a classmate we grew up with.
There are just some things that make life important, like people we know who are special and so we keep them close.'

I am not sure if this was something that someone wrote for Phil or if he contributed to it.
But it was something that spoke to Philip's heart nonetheless...and mine as well.

Friday, May 9, 2008

The Power of Two

'Two' is powerful.
The number itself represents connection, relationship, collaboration...
It also can greatly enhance 'one'.
When 'one' is perplexed regarding a challenge, 'two' can offer alternatives never considered by 'one'.
When 'one' is sensing a bit of isolation, 'two' can step in and create connection and new possibilities.
When 'one' doesn't have enough hands or feet to complete a task, 'two' can step in and provide support.

'One' is sometimes just what is needed, but the variety that 'two' provides is delightful.
When 'two' that have been at 'odds' come together, it can even be more powerful.
The individual 'one's', release their conflicts and issues of separation and resolve those things that created barriers.
'Two' can then move forward as a unit creating new opportunities and possibilities.
'Two' can become more stable than 'one'.
'Two' can sometimes move in a rhythm that is not possible for 'one' since 'two' can 'lean' on each other.
'Two' can also dance together, and can sing together in harmony.

'Two' gives you a chance to notice diversity.

It's interesting to notice the things our bodies have two of vs. one...and to wonder about why...?

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Never Give Up...

There are times when it just seems like it is time to 'give up' and throw in the towel.
Don't do it.
There are times when the load is pretty heavy and you would just as soon drop it.
Don't do it.
There are times when the solution seems beyond you and you would like to just let someone else figure it out for you.
Don't do it.

If you give up, you miss out on the 'BLISS' that comes from accomplishment.
If you give up, you miss out on the joy that rises up within you when you complete something that seemed impossible.
Don't rob yourself of the joy and bliss that can revitalize your life.
Don't do it.

Be like my dear son, Jonathan, who keeps tryin' no matter what.