Saturday, October 27, 2007

Being of One Mind, One Vision,

One Purpose

Getting everyone on the same page isn’t always easy…

With the diversity of the human race, it is sometimes a miracle that any two people can agree on anything.

Being of one mind, suggests something different though.

It suggests the ability to have our own opinions but to also have the willingness to consider the ‘other’ point of view.

And by considering the ‘other’ view, we widen our own scope of understanding and perception.

Being of one mind also speaks to the concept of surrendering to the greater good.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to ‘let go’ of some of our own ideas in order to accept what might be the best for the ‘whole’.

By relinquishing our own needs to ‘control’ or dictate an outcome, we open to greater possibilities and a more exciting solution.

We come to ‘see’ a larger version of what can happen and appreciate a greater depth in any situation.

Being of one mind is a coming together after deep listening and consideration.

It is an action of thinking and being in unison.

This can create clarity of vision and strength of focus.

It allows room for the dreams, ideals and heart’s desires of the many to be realized rather that just the one.

This creates a powerful opportunity to

Stand Together in Harmony with

Clarity of Vision and

Commitment to Purpose.

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