Saturday, October 20, 2007

Receiving the Gifts of Spirit

Often, our challenge as human beings, is to learn to receive.
Giving often comes naturally and without effort.
Giving may feel closer to who we are.

As we move further on our spiritual paths, we 'bump' into the importance of receiving.
We learn quickly that in order to keep giving, we must receive.
And sometimes it takes practice...and a 'remembering' of how to receive.

The remembering may take the form of consciously opening to the concept of being receptive.
Begin by imagining within yourself a vessel that will serve as the container for
that which you wish to receive.
This vessel must have the capacity to receive whatever you wish.
Next, see that which you desire flowing freely into this container, filling it up completely.
Then, take this 'gift', that which you have received, into yourself, allowing it
to become a part of who you are.


By opening ourselves to being receptacles of Spirit,
we can more fully become the instruments of Spirit that is our heart's desire.
By surrendering to 'receiving',
our cups will be filled beyond measure
and the promise of an endless supply of love, peace, wisdom and abundance will be ours.

It is always available...
There is always enough...
'Remembering' to receive that which is freely offered and available,
can open the doors and windows of heaven to us.

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