Sunday, October 7, 2007

Take Time to Smell the Flowers

As I wonder about the beauty of the butterfly in the picture,
I am reminded that the butterfly doesn't have to be reminded to take time
to smell the flowers...
By being true to who it is, it automatically knows that the flowers
are a source of sustinance, power and life...
How different our lives would be if we were truly 'being' and 'doing' who we are...
Our Source (God) calls to us, but the noise of our lives is deaffening at times...


As we quiet our minds and our hearts, the call of who we are as soul returns to us.

Like the butterfly, we move toward the flower (Source) with anticipation, and with respect.

We recall why we are here, and that it is in our stillness that we find the God within...

The Wisdom of knowing how to find God is within us, but we must become quiet in order to remember...

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