Wednesday, November 21, 2007

How Do You Get the Ball Down the Field?

We know when we are fully connected to our Source, our God, when we experience much less effort/force required and much more power/joy available to us.

The force that we must exert in order to get something accomplished is much greater when we are trying to do it on our own power vs. Divine power.

A disconnection from Source can cause us to get energy depleted and

fatigue can set in.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Divine Energy is always available to us to support our work in the world.

All that is necessary is that we do all we can ourselves and then ask God for help.

It doesn’t work to just ‘leave the driving to God’.

There is a part we must play because we are here to learn and grow and that can’t be accomplished if we are not active participants.

So how do you know when it is time to ‘power – up’?

When you find yourself physically tired, energy depleted, out of new ideas, repeating the same problems over and over again, it is time for a ‘time out’…

It’s time to reconsider what is out of balance…what is not aligned with Source.

It’s time to reconsider priorities and which goals are you moving towards or away from.

Do you have the ‘ball’ well in hand, or are you losing your grasp and about to fumble?

Is the team you are playing with going in the same direction you are?

Are your goals clear?

What is the gameplan?

Who’s callin the shots?

When was the last time you scored a touchdown?

Are you enjoying getting beaten up on the field or is it time to consider a different way to move down this field of life?

What part of the game are you enjoying?

How can you attract more of that into your life?

Where are you in your game of life?

Are you sitting on the sidelines or actively involved in getting the ball down the field?

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