Saturday, November 17, 2007

Move Beyond ‘The Box’

‘The Box’ provides security, safety, the status quo.

‘The Box’ is where many people and organizations choose to be.

‘The Box’ is not a ‘bad’ place, it is simply one choice of where to be.

‘The Box’ does provide a place to start.

A concern might be that ‘the same Box’ is where you finish.

So, what is beyond ‘The Box’?

That’s a great first question because from there, the possibilities are endless.

Starting to imagine what ‘could be’ rather than reinventing the past,

is the beginning of a new condition, a new reality.

Imagine a better way to take care of people, to heal, to grow…

This creates an opportunity to make an entire system better.

After imagining and visioning a brighter future, comes the next step…

Developing more ‘form’ around the concepts and a plan as to how you might start moving toward your desired future.

First steps can be challenging because they often require courage and a departure from the comfort of the way life has always been.

But with persistence on the new pathway, success is certainly within reach.

It’s important to talk to others that may be partners in your new endeavor.

This creates higher energy around moving your plan forward faster.

It’s important to also talk to others who have ‘been there’…those who have taken the ‘path less traveled’ and have been able to fulfill their own dreams.

By creating connections with other dreamers and innovators many pitfalls can be avoided and many shortcuts can be realized.

Once an individual or an organization moves fully out of ‘The Box’, there is no going back.

The innovation, freedom and creativity of the new way of doing things can provide reinforcement to continue on this path.

This path of the innovator is sometimes a lonely path, but it is one filled with discovery and adventure.

It is a path that few choose, but the rewards are great.

Take the risk…Take the leap of faith and venture outside of ‘The Box’.

Move beyond the comfortable and dare to go where few have gone before.

Dare to lead the way to the future with the commitment for excellence, dignity, service, justice and hospitality.

Be all you can be and then some…

Be all your Creator intended you to be.

Fulfill your potential.

Fulfill your dream.

Reach for the stars.

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