Friday, December 14, 2007

Wisdom Circle - Honoring the Earth

One of our favorite activities in the Wisdom Circle is honoring the Earth and her cyclical changes.
What we have found is that when we come into connection with the seasons, we find greater harmony with life.

In the Fall, we focus our attention on releasing and surrendering all those things that no longer serve us.
We imagine ourselves to be a great tree, ready to shed its leaves so that it can begin again in the Spring to bring forth more beauty.
The Fall is a great time to release our own 'leaves' that no longer have a needed place within our being.
We can freely detach from these conceptual 'leaves' and let them go to make room for the miracles and newness of what is to come.

As Winter approaches, our Circle focuses on 'going within' is a time of reflection and hibernation of ideas and seeds of what we are becoming.
It is a time of being quiet and listening to the whispers of Spirit.

In the Spring, we celebrate new beginnings and the glory of new life and rebirth.
We often do meditations on the beauty of the flowers that surround us and remember the miracle of life in all of its forms.

In the Summer, we remember to honor the 'fruits' of our labor.
We take time to harvest the abundance of all that we have created and nurtured during the previous seasons of the year.
The summer is a time of warmth and fullness.

Mother Nature has created a Circle of seasons for us to learn from.
As we connect with this Circle of natural life, we learn to understand the importance of the ebb and flow of our energy, our work, our own lives.
We learn to quiet our Spirits long enough to open to the wisdom that the seasons have to teach us.
We open to those lessons that are learned only from communing with all aspects of the natural world that surrounds us.
Our Garden of Eden is truly our classroom and holds great opportunities to learn from simply being present with a rose, a deer, a dolphin, a hawk...
The depth of the wisdom in any one of God's creations can reflect back to us the true nature of our Creator.

But we must take the time to show up and be taught.
We must take time to open to seeing, hearing, smelling, feeling the delights of the universe.
Abundance fills our world.
It is ours to cherish and to hold dear.
Who else will?

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