Monday, December 17, 2007

Wisdom Circle - Ruffle Your Feathers and Take Flight

Feathers are considered sacred in many religious traditions.
In the Native American tradition, the feather can be a gift from Spirit.
A feather can be used to clear the aura, the energy body surrounding a person.
Feathers are used in ceremony and in honoring the 'wing-ed ones' that fly in the sky.
Meditating on the inherent beauty of a feather can bring deep appreciation for the wonders of Mother Nature and also the miracle of flight.

This morning on my walk in the hills, I came upon a beautiful hawk.
I was reminded that in Native American tradition, the hawk is considered the 'messenger'.
It is recommended that when the hawk appears to you, it is a good idea to pay attention because a special message is on the way.
As I stood watching the hawk, I opened to the Creator to hear the 'message'.
I saw the hawk 'ruffle her feathers' and then leap boldly in the air and launch herself into flight.
At the same moment, I heard overhead the sound of a helicopter on the way to a nearby trauma center.
It was a 'LifeFlight' helicopter and I found myself remembering watching many of them fly overhead over the years as they brought patients to the medical center for care.

After a bit I continued walking up the trail.
I continued to remember the hawk take flight and move forward into the mystery of where she would land next.
It brought be back to remembering the initial 'launch' of our Wisdom Circle.
At the beginning, several years ago, we had a desire to create a community of 'heart-based' souls that could share their stories and support each other's spiritual growth.
We did not know exactly how to create this, or what it would eventually look like, but our hearts told us that it was time and it would become clear as we took a 'leap of faith'.
As time moved on, we had wonderful resources come to us that led us in the creation of the Wisdom Circle of Grace.
These resources came as a direct result of our hearts' desire to build this community.
The answers to our prayers came in many different forms and shapes, all rich in wisdom and grace.

But our first step was truly 'ruffling our feathers', so that we could 'spread our wings'.
By surrendering to Spirit and Divine Wisdom, all that was needed was provided to us just at the perfect moment.
Also surrendering our need to know exactly how to 'do it' and choosing to trust that we would be led and guided were the ingredients we needed to 'allow' it into creation.

The Hawk reminds us that we can 'know' that the abundance of all that we need will be provided for us at just the moment it is required.

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