Friday, January 4, 2008

Wisdom Circle - 2008 Intention Ceremony - Take a moment to contemplate what you want to create in your future...

Each year in January, our Wisdom Circle creates a space for an Intention Ceremony.
This gives each person in the group an opportunity to begin the process of active creation for the upcoming year.
Rather than have the new year 'happen to them', this supports the process of active creation.

For the weeks preceding our ceremony, each individual Circle member is asked to focus on all those things that they would like to release in anticipation of the upcoming year.
They are asked to give consideration to those practices or behaviors that contributed to their highest good and which did not.
What things do they want more of in 2008 and what is ready to be a part of the past?
By first taking the time to release and 'let go', more space is created for the 'new', the innovative and the creative to enter.

As we come together for our ceremony, we each write down those things that we wish to commit to making a part of our experience in the new year.
It may be that we will choose to focus on specific spiritual laws that inspire us such as the Law of Surrender, the Law of Peace, the Law of Honor, etc.
We might chose to focus on daily spiritual practices to bring ourselves into greater communion with the Creator.
Whatever is our individual choice for focus becomes the foundation for our intentions.
As we write our intentions, we place them in envelopes in our intention bowl and keep these in a central place in our space all year.
These intentions can be reviewed during the year to determine if we want to make course corrections or adjustments or to simply celebrate our successes.

Just as Tiger the cat is contemplating his prospects for the new year, we have an opportunity to wipe the slate clean and create a new beginning.
In every new beginning, comes an opportunity to honor the past and the teachers and experiences that have been part of our experience.
In every new beginning is an opportunity to stretch beyond our comfort zone as we plot our new course.
In every new beginning comes an opportunity to see, feel and touch in larger ways.
In every new beginning enters the possibilities of a whole new chapter in our lives, unlike any we have written before.
In every new beginning, comes the hope of seeing the face of God more clearly, more fully and in everything we experience.

In every new beginning, God is.

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