Friday, January 18, 2008

Wisdom Circle - Focus Your Attention and Intention

In our Wisdom Circle, January has been the month where we create and share our intentions for the upcoming year.
As the year progresses, we have often found it helpful to re-focus our attention on our intentions in order to energize them and support their development.
By visiting our original intentions and giving them added creative energy and thought, the chances of manifestation increase significantly.
We are careful not to place a 'box' around our intentions, because that doesn't give God and the angels much space to go 'beyond' our finite imaginations and actually give us far greater gifts that we can even conceive.

Surrendering to divine timing is critical.
Wonderful things happening at the wrong time aren't really very wonderful.
Our sense of timing is limited by our world view.
But God's view encompasses things that aren't in our field of vision.
This is where trust comes into play.
Trust takes us from our own sense of urgency to a sense of the perfect timing of God.
Letting the field of possibility have time to be cleared and fertilized is critical to the 'right' answer showing up.
Trust brings us so much closer to experiencing the joy, happiness, peace and serenity that is the essence of who we are.
Trust reminds us that we 'know' who we are and that all manner of miracles are
available to us.
Trust places us in a mode of 'receptivity'...of patient 'waiting'...
Trust sidesteps the need to control and dictate.
Trust creates space for much greater good.
Trust knows no time constraints.
Trust brings sweet peace.
Trust brings more trust.


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