Monday, February 25, 2008

The Gift of Erosion

Erosion is a powerful force of nature.
It can totally transform a mound of Earth into something that does not resemble its original self/form.
Erosion can leave an area with total destruction of what had been.
It can create havoc with the stability of the way things were.
It can shift the landscape such that there are now openings where there had previously been closings.
The changes of erosion sometime come on slowly, and sometimes the changes can occur overnight.

Erosion can also create new beauty and put a new 'face' on the way things are.
Erosion can create new pathways of opportunities for crossing into unchartered territory.
It can wipe away old obstacles that formed blocks and obstructions.
It can open secret passageways deep into the core of the Earth.

Erosion can restore balance and harmony.
It can uncover truths deep within.

Sometimes, in my experience, Erosion sneaks in and accomplishes its mission without me even noticing.
Sometimes, I need major eroding change, and the shift rocks my world.
Usually, the small changes are course corrections that Spirit created in my path.
Same with the larger eruptions...
They are no less necessary.
Often those changes that I have tried to bury or ignore over the years, build up until they demand attention.
Then the opportunity comes to choose to address this needed change.
If I choose to politely decline, I bury what wants to change deeper causing a greater need for volcanic action to 'right it' later.
If I choose to accept the opportunity to 'tackle' the challenge, erosion occurs and layers of 'stuff' begins to sluff off exposing what needs to be released and surrendered.
There is no point in 'covering up' that which wants to experience the light of day.
Surrendering it totally and fully allows the Creator to remake it into beauty, wisdom, love, grace and light.

There is nothing within us that the Creator cannot transform.

Such a gift...such a miracle...such an opportunity...

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