Monday, March 3, 2008

That Was a Tough Flight...

Sometimes our take-offs are tough.
Sometimes our landings are tough.
Sometimes the flight itself is a bit turbulent.
That's the way life is.

Sometimes our wings get tattered.
The thought of trying to take-off again can be daunting.
The ground feels pretty good when you are a quart low.
But that's where the transformative power of Spirit comes in.
It's never too late to begin again....never....
There is always a way to 'dig' out of the current 'state of the union' and climb above the way things have become.

So, where to begin...?
First, grasp onto the power of intention.
Write yourself a whoppin' powerful intention that defines what you want to do or be or both.
Second, put some energy behind it.
Use the power of prayer and meditation to begin seeing and feeling this intention fully realized.
Third, listen carefully to how Spirit is guiding you to act and do your part in its realization.
Fourth, create visuals to remind you of your intention...
Fifth, check in regularly with your Spiritual Director or Coach to help you keep on track.
When you are in the process of major re-formation, a spiritual director/coach can make the difference between a nose dive and smooth sailing.
Sixth, live as though it is already realized. Hold nothing back.
Seventh, create a 12 month plan to ensure sustainability with the 'new you'.
What will you do each month to help you move closer and closer to your intention.
See your own metamorphosis happening right before your eyes.
Eighth, celebrate each movement, each risk taken, each hurdle overcome, no matter the size, or outward significance.

And, by the way, the butterfly in the picture above, did take off and continue its work in the world, dancing on flower-tops, sharing its beauty with the world.

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