Saturday, April 5, 2008

Being Empty....

This flower, I am told, is a wild lilly.
Some consider this a weed...
That I cannot comprehend...
One of the things that makes this beauty stand out, is its emptiness.
It holds a space within its central core that is a beautiful container.
It is 'empty' space...a place anticipating being filled...or not.

It might be filled with any number of things but the beauty of it is that is holds this space of possibility as to what may enter.

Within each of us lies a space.
A beautiful inner core where Spirit is instilled.
It makes us come alive.
We can choose to fill this space with many different things.
Each of these things has the power to alter who we are.
Each of them has the power to bring us closer or further away from what we are here to do.

Sometimes we unconsciously open this space within to things that can truly harm us.
Sometimes we get smart and open to fill with vitality and creativity and joy.
But it is always our choice.

So much of the time we don't empty out all the old aspects of ourselves.
We hold onto who we used to be because we are afraid to take the risk of starting over.
We become attached to our familiar way of being in the world.
We learn how to simply 'adapt' to our environment, rather than redesign.

Emptying our own being is just as important as emptying our closets and doing Spring cleaning.
Periodically, it is so important to create space to 'recreate' in.
The simple act of surrendering the 'old' creates just the space we need to re-form aspects of ourselves that we have outworn.

Our world is in need of new ways of 'being'.
Our world is overdue for a major healing.
Our world will heal one person at a time.

Create some space in which to heal.
Make the world a better space.

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