Saturday, April 26, 2008

Trading Spaces...

When you are in a place where you are beginning to sense a bit of tension between yourself and 'the other', consider trading spaces with the other person.
Sometimes, it is helpful to actually move yourself over into their 'space' and view the situation from a different point of view.
If you always just maintain your own perspective, soon you are going to become bored to death...and also you will find yourself alone in the world.
Those that have the capacity to cross over and wear the shoes of another, learn how 'big' the world is and how much there is to come to understand.

Recently, I saw two birds that were having a rather animated conversation.
Periodically in the discourse, each would raise up and increase the volume of their voice.
The took turns back and forth for some time.
Finally, one of them actually crossed the 'line' and went over to the point of view of the other.
Soon, thereafter, the other one crossed over to the other side.
They just stared at each other for a few minutes as if they were seeing a totally different landscape.
They didn't seem to recognize each other and they were speechless.
Finally, they touched beaks, looked up into the sky above them, and then flew off to a nearby tree to feast together on bugs.
Their differences dissipated when they widened their world view.

So it is with us.
Widen your view, and your enemies become your closest allies.
Widen your view and there are enough resources to feed all the hungry.
Widen your view and it becomes impossible to hold anger or frustration in your heart.

Take a moment to physically step into the 'shoes' of another.
Walk around in them for a bit until you get a truer sense of who that 'other' is.
Then look back at yourself and some of your judgments.
How many of them still hold true...?

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