Saturday, December 27, 2008

Gifts from Mother Nature

Mother Nature has many treasures that are available to us as we take
the time to learn about them.
In the ancient Celtic healing traditions, wild mint was used as an herb that was particularly effective to 'clear out bad energies' and all manner of 'ills'.
The ancients had to depend on the land to support their healing, their food, their shelter.
Because of this, they treated the Earth with great respect and admiration and held deep gratitude for Her generosity towards the support of their lives.
Wild Mint was a particular treasure because it could be used as a drink, a medicinal to be placed on wounds, and a scent to clear the air.

In the Loma Linda Hills, we are fortunate to have Wild Mint.
The other day during my morning hike, I came across a beautiful mint bush that was covered with frost from the frozen mist of the night.
Its tender leaves held the frost delicately and shared their beauty with me as I entered a narrow canyon.
The scent in the air from the mint bush was very heavy because of the lingering mist in this little canyon.
I found myself transported back in time to a dimension where these bushes represented healing and wellness.
How precious a creation.

I was reminded again of the beauty and power in the Earth.
I was reminded also of our need to remember this and not continue to disregard Mother Nature's gifts.

I offer my gratitude to the Creator for the opportunity to witness the beauty of
Winter and the Mint Bush.

1 comment:

Janice Lynne Lundy said...

Dear Eileen,
I am so happy to find your site. I followed some beautiful threads from Tony Cuckson's Anam Cara site and they led to you. Your poetry and thoughts are absolutely lovely, nourishing, and so very needed. It is very nice to be here and experience your all-embracing energy.

I am going to list your blog on my blog list as I would like other women (and men!) to connect with the spirit of Sophia and her wisdom—their own wisdom—and you provide an excellent resource for them to do so. One of my favorite books is Prayers to Sophia by Joyce Rupp. Perhaps you know of it.

Many blessings upon you and your good work.