We we are outside, we have enjoyed creating ceremony together as we sit within our Circle.
One of ceremonies that has been so healing to our group has been the one we did about Forgiveness.
We began the Circle just like we always do by passing the 'talking stick'.
This Native American tradition of using a stick to focus attention has really helped our group remember to 'listen' rather than debate or challenge.
The person who holds the 'stick', has the 'floor' and presents 'wisdom' from his or her own experience.
Those that do not have the 'stick' listen and open to the 'wisdom' of the one speaking.
After we have a 'round' of everyone 'checking in', we move into meditation, which for our group has become the 'listening' part of prayer.
The meditation this particular night was all about letting go all those things that we have been having difficultly forgiving within ourselves.
After the meditation, we passed the 'talking stick' again and each individual had an opportunity to speak to what was difficult or easy to release or forgive within themselves.
We learn from each other.
We experience the joy another feels when a true sense of release from the chains of un-forgiveness happens.
We experience wisdom from listening to the story of another.
We come to realize that we all share part of the same story.
After our meditation, we moved into a sacred ceremony.
We each had chosen a few pieces of wood that would represent for us, things we wanted to fully forgive within ourselves or another.
Then, one at a time, we each placed our 'wood' in the fire pit that we had created to 'transmute' our pain and suffering into the joy of full release and forgiveness.
As we sat and watched all of our 'stuff' being consumed by the fire,
it was a beautiful metaphor for the love of God and how empowering it is.
The love of God is so much bigger than we are.
The love of God is all consuming of those things that we carry that are not in our
highest good.
The love of God is so available to us.
The love of God is able to release us from all those things that weigh us down
and encumber our beings.
Time seemed to stand still as we all sat in silence and watched as the fire continued its dance.
We were all reminded of our connection to each other.
We were reminded of our humanness.
We were also reminded of the gifts of 'Spirit' that are available to us.
We remember the peace of silence, the beauty of sharing from the heart,
and the joy of forgiveness.
We closed our Circle that night with the blessing of a word we each chose to 'gift' each other with for the upcoming week...
Some of the words were 'Joy', 'Peace', 'Adventure', 'Curiosity', 'Discovery', 'Forgiveness'...
And so it is.....