Friday, December 7, 2007

Wisdom Circle - Holding Space

This 'Heart - shaped' bowl is on the center table at Grace's House where our Wisdom Circle is held every Friday evening.
This bowl contains stones that were collected from beautiful places in nature all over the United States.
These stones know all about 'holding space'.
Stones have been the great 'space holders'.
They know all about holding and supporting the Earth.
They were there when history was made and hold all the stories of all that has
ever happened.
Stones are anchors, grounding forces, foundational structures that are a very necessary part of the way Mother Nature holds herself together.

In the same way that stones 'hold space' for the Earth, we 'hold space' for each other.
By believing in someone and keeping that belief alive in our hearts, we are 'holding space' for that person's 'becoming'.
We are acknowledging the soul potential that we see in another that they may not
yet see in themselves.
We are holding a picture alive of the other person in a larger more expanded form.
Teachers 'hold space' for their students.
Parents 'hold space' for their children.
Brothers hold space for their sisters.
Sisters hold space for their sisters.
And it goes on and on...

Each week in our Wisdom Circle, individuals may chose to take a stone from the Heart - bowl, and place it on the table.
This is done with the intention of the stone 'holding space' for someone that might need a bit of extra support, strength, courage...
We also create the intention that the Creator will give them exactly what is best
for their highest good.
By creating this simple ceremony, we honor the person, their life and their
work in the world.
We honor their efforts at becoming all they can be as well as their humanness.

We each have benefited tremendously over the course of our lives from having a teacher or a family member or friend 'hold space' for us.
Sometimes, this experience is the difference between us 'making it' or not.
'Holding space' for another can give them just the 'umph' that they need to
shift into a whole new place.
Our angels do this for us constantly.
Our Creator does this for us every moment.

How blessed we are that there is so much support for us to be all we can be.

1 comment:

Lily said...

Dear Eileen...thank you for the lovely post. I have been searching for what it means by holding space, and I resonated a lot with what you have written.

All the love and light to you,