Saturday, December 8, 2007

Wisdom Circle - So What Do You Talk About?

Early in the formation of our Wisdom Circle, we decided that one of the things we wanted to focus on as a group was perennial wisdom.
We had a desire to explore the wisdom that crossed diverse spiritual and religious traditions.
We wanted to delve into an experiential study of the 'wisdom' that was 'core' to many indigenous peoples.

Lee Kaiser, my spiritual director, has created a summary of 108 of these wisdom principles.
A summary of these principles can be found on his website,
These principles are timeless and are foundational to the universe we live in.

Our Wisdom Circle has purchased 'flags' that have these principles written on them and we have some of them hanging in the room that we meet in.
Here are some of our Circle's favorite laws:
  • The Law of One - Everything is part of everything else.
  • The Law of Love - Love unifies.
  • The Law of Intention - All intentions create.
  • The Law of Forgiveness - What you do not forgive holds you in bondage.
  • The Law of Abundance - Sufficient resources exist to accomplish anything you want to do.
  • The Law of Service - You grow only through serving others.
  • The Law of Surrender - To attain all you must surrender all.
We often begin by speaking the Law out loud and then passing the 'talking stick' to each Circle member.
We open a discussion as to the application of the law within each individual's life.
We may also ask questions that relate to the Law for the group to consider such as:
'Can you share a story about experiences you had with this Law over the course
of this last week?'
'How might this Law change the way you look at life?'
'Within your work - life, how might this Law improve the way things work?'

Sometimes we bring in a specific meditation that connects strongly to the Law.
For the Law of One, we brought in a meditation for the group to experience where we opened our hearts and then sent 'compassionate heart' energy to the person to our left and to the person to their left and again and again around the Circle, until the 'compassionate heart' energy returned to us...
Creating this 'experience of oneness' helped to bring greater understanding to the Law and also created an opportunity for each person to 'know' the Law from a first hand point of view.
Together we experienced Oneness within the Circle when we shared the compassion in our hearts with one another.
Creating this experience makes the Law more real.

Another week we discussed the Law of Surrender.
We created a ceremony where we each held a special stone and imagined surrendering into the stone all those things that no longer served us.
Then we each took turns releasing the stones into a large bowl of water.
This meditation again created an opportunity to have the experience of 'surrender' rather than just talking about it.
The combined discussion and experience creates a bridge to the inner knowing of what
true 'surrender' really is.

By choosing to focus on content areas such as these Wisdom Principles, a Wisdom Circle can create opportunities to explore the true nature of our universe.
They help form a bridge for building unity and openness rather than disconnection and
further differences.
They challenge us to think beyond our 'boxes' and come together in a larger way of being in the world.
They give us a pathway to discover how similar we are and yet how diverse we are as children of the same Creator.
They are a gateway to greater understanding of the beauty and wonder of the Universe.
They are a door to seeing life as it truly is rather than the world that has been built on our previous limited views.

Wisdom brings us closer together.

Ignorance separates our hearts.

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