Monday, October 29, 2007

Healing Hands

and the Hopeful Heart

Many have said over the years that true compassion is expressed as love in action.

Love that goes beyond the ‘wondering’ and moves into the ‘doing’.

Having an open heart to give and receive love, is a place to start…for it is in opening the heart that we become aware of where compassion is needed.

When you chose to open your heart in love, energy builds within you…energy that can be felt as a ‘Radiance’ that flows freely from you to others.

Others experience this as acceptance, openness, concern, compassion.

It is often palpable because of its strength and power.

We can ‘do’ love by committing to Heal All We Touch…

By leaving any situation better than when we found it…

The Divine Feminine in each of us radiates this healing touch.

It flows like a river of love from our hearts to the heart of another…

from our hands to the hands of another…

This light and this love don’t originate with us.

They are birthed in the Creator and are gifted to us.

We, in turn, gift this love to others…

A dynamic flow is created that can sustain itself and can grow and multiply.

This love from heart to heart builds connection and unity.

It also provides a venue for deep and true reconciliation to occur.

There is little space for discord and separation in the space of genuine love and desire for peace.

So Build Bridges with your heart…

Bridges of Hope…

Bridges over troubled waters that need to be infused with peace and love.

Open to the possibilities of bridges all over the world bringing people together and creating pathways of greater understanding…

Say with St Francis… ‘let me be an instrument of peace…’’

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Heart to Heart

Communication at the Heart level is one of the most powerful ways to create connection.

When we want to be fully understood, it is the Heart that we call upon.

The Heart never lies.

The Heart knows only the truth.

The Heart has its own language that goes way beyond words.

The Heart is not blind because it sees with a depth that goes beyond the ‘facts’.

The Heart listens deeply and can filter out those things that have no ‘true’ value.

The Heart can guide us to a ‘better place’ if we let it.

But how often do we?

How often do we choose instead to trust only our minds?

How often do we insulate our Hearts in order to ‘see’ more clearly…only to be blinded by logic without feeling.

It is in our being fully Human…being ‘all’ of who we are, that we can come to understand and appreciate the wonders of another.

By balancing all of our abilities to ‘listen’, will we hear and then connect most completely.

We must remember the only way to honor the Divine in another is to connect through the Heart of who they truly are.

This connection that is created by opening the heart to others is powerful beyond measure.

It can end wars.

It can mend fences.

It can create space for miracles.

It can birth innovation.

It can heal.

It can bring peace.

Open to the loving embrace of the Heart.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Being of One Mind, One Vision,

One Purpose

Getting everyone on the same page isn’t always easy…

With the diversity of the human race, it is sometimes a miracle that any two people can agree on anything.

Being of one mind, suggests something different though.

It suggests the ability to have our own opinions but to also have the willingness to consider the ‘other’ point of view.

And by considering the ‘other’ view, we widen our own scope of understanding and perception.

Being of one mind also speaks to the concept of surrendering to the greater good.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to ‘let go’ of some of our own ideas in order to accept what might be the best for the ‘whole’.

By relinquishing our own needs to ‘control’ or dictate an outcome, we open to greater possibilities and a more exciting solution.

We come to ‘see’ a larger version of what can happen and appreciate a greater depth in any situation.

Being of one mind is a coming together after deep listening and consideration.

It is an action of thinking and being in unison.

This can create clarity of vision and strength of focus.

It allows room for the dreams, ideals and heart’s desires of the many to be realized rather that just the one.

This creates a powerful opportunity to

Stand Together in Harmony with

Clarity of Vision and

Commitment to Purpose.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Freedom to Innovate, Freedom to Explore,

Freedom to Be

Opening to the release of the new and innovative can be an exhilarating experience.

Maintaining a ‘closed hand’ only creates limitations on creativity and learning.

By releasing the need to ‘hang on too tight’, freedom to reach and go beyond where you have been is possible.

The universe is in a constant state of change, renewal and recreation. So are we.

By creating more open space, wonderful new inventions, brilliant new approaches to healing, and exciting new opportunities can be brought into being.

One of the challenges is launching such an effort. It takes energy to overcome the inertia that is often present in large quantities.

We get ourselves into ‘ruts’ of same behaviors, same routines, same responses.

What we need is fresh approaches and alternative options in order to create a miraculous future for generations that will follow.

We must follow the Native American adage that beckons us to examine our decisions and ask if they will serve seven generations in the future. If we cannot answer that positively, then we better reconsider our actions.

Commit to honor the past, accept the present, and protect the future for those that shall come after us.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

It's Important to Hold Hands...

In the steady climb of life, it is such a gift to have help from others.
To be supported and guided by those that 'have gone before' is truly invaluable.
That includes, spiritual teachers, angels, superheroes...
As the world intensifies and speeds up,
Holding Hands and not Letting Go becomes ever more important.

For each of us, the road we travel on has its ups and downs and side-ways.
There are times when we are 'on top of our game'
and there are times when we are not sure what game we're playin'.
But to always have at least one hand to hold, can make all the difference in the world.

There is also responsibility when you are holding the hand of another.
It is important not to hold on too tight so as to 'control' the choices of others.
Sovereignty of each soul is paramount.
It is important to allow lots of room for freedom and growth.
It is important to create a spirit of trust so that it can be known that the
hand will 'be' there when needed.
It is important that the hand never be withheld in judgment.
It is important that the hand be selfless and service-driven.
It is important that the hand be held close to the heart.
It is important that the hand be kind.

Pay attention to the Hands you are holding on to.

Pay attention to the hands you are supporting.
Are you serving them well?

It is a blessing to be able to be the healing hands of hope to others.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Healing from the Heart

Healing from the Heart Center focuses on the dimension of feeling.
This healing centers on the emotional body, that part of us that 'feels'.
This is just one of the many kinds of healing such as physical, mental, spiritual...

Living in the world we do, generates many feelings, some positive and some not so...
We are constantly exposed to things and events that evoke many responses.
Our feelings get a work out daily.
Our choice is to determine what kind of feelings we will have and
how to assign them meaning.

Healing from the Heart opens one to a different response to life.
It is a response of love, understanding, kindness, connection.
The alternative is separation, blame, hurtfulness, and more pain.

By opening the heart, one makes a choice to respond from love and not fear.
By opening the heart, one choses peace, not war.
By opening the heart, one choses vulnerability, not distance.

As many wise teachers have said, 'fear separates', love connects'.
Open the door of the heart and heal all that you touch with love, respect and honor.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Wisdom Whispers

Sometimes, it is only the Whisper that can carry the true message of the heart.
A Whisper carries the energy of Spirit...
It holds the power of the hidden message...
Not the one that must be boldly stated, or the one that must be loudly expressed.
It is the one that waits for its opportunity...waits for its time...waits for its moment...

It is the Whisper that we must pay attention to now.
Within the heart of the Whisper is the message of what the world needs.
Within the heart of the Whisper is voice of those who have little voice.
The Whisper carries the words of those who need our attention...those who are waiting for us to see more clearly... hear more deeply...know more fully...

The image reminds us to 'lean in closely' to what is being said lest we miss the importance and significance of what we need to hear.
So often our lives are so busy...we say, 'there is no time to listen'...
But listening to the Whispers is what we must do...before it is too late to hear...

Consider the following promise:

I will listen to the Voice of the Divine, Whispering Wisdom into my heart...
I will open my heart in full surrender to the message I am to hear...
Gratitude fills my being as I receive this gift of Spirit.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Receiving the Gifts of Spirit

Often, our challenge as human beings, is to learn to receive.
Giving often comes naturally and without effort.
Giving may feel closer to who we are.

As we move further on our spiritual paths, we 'bump' into the importance of receiving.
We learn quickly that in order to keep giving, we must receive.
And sometimes it takes practice...and a 'remembering' of how to receive.

The remembering may take the form of consciously opening to the concept of being receptive.
Begin by imagining within yourself a vessel that will serve as the container for
that which you wish to receive.
This vessel must have the capacity to receive whatever you wish.
Next, see that which you desire flowing freely into this container, filling it up completely.
Then, take this 'gift', that which you have received, into yourself, allowing it
to become a part of who you are.


By opening ourselves to being receptacles of Spirit,
we can more fully become the instruments of Spirit that is our heart's desire.
By surrendering to 'receiving',
our cups will be filled beyond measure
and the promise of an endless supply of love, peace, wisdom and abundance will be ours.

It is always available...
There is always enough...
'Remembering' to receive that which is freely offered and available,
can open the doors and windows of heaven to us.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Visioning the Future: the Art of Becoming

The image above speaks a thousand words...and so it is in reality...
If we can 'image' it, we can create can become...
If we cannot 'image' it, it cannot become...

Wondering about a future full of hope, love and miracles creates energy potentials.
Feeling hope, love and miracles brings even more energy for its creation.
Taking action to bring hope, love and miracles into existence potentiates it even further...

Within our spheres of influence in the world, opportunities exist to create...
Create hope or despair...
Create love or hatred...
Create miracles or none...

Our choices determine how far this can much can come into existence...
When you look around you, what have you determined is needed in the world...?
So then, what do you want to create today?
What would you like to totally surround you today?
How would you like to feel today?
How many miracles would you like to manifest for yourself and others today?


Look again at the image above...
Imagine yourself creating a wonderful
See it as already in form...
Generate excitement and love towards it...
And take action to do your part to make it happen...

Blessings to you as you move forward in becoming more and more
of a lightworker and co-creator in the beautiful world that we have been given.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Opening to the Beauty of Who You Already Are...

Deep within us lies a beautiful soul that awaits the moments of release and full expression.
Just as the butterfly waits patiently in the cocoon anticipating flight, so our souls quietly await the moment of opening to who we truly are.
Much of 'who' we are is learned from others.
Much of 'who' we are, isn't.
Much of 'who' we are is yet to become.

Giving ourselves permission and freedom to experience life more fully and deeply can create a platform to learn 'who' we truly are.
It's amazing what a little space to spread our wings will do.
Maybe we have been shy all our lives...maybe we have seen limitations everywhere...
Sometimes, by simply giving ourselves this space to wonder about a different way of being, we can create the room to shift into
more courage, more wisdom, more love, more peace.
The first step often is just to wonder about it...

When was the last time you wondered about what it would be like to spread your wings?
This is a personal invitation...

Open your heart and all of who you are to Spirit (God) and allow yourself to be
supported by the hands that Created you...

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Good News!: Humpty Dumpty Is Back Together Again

Most people remember the story of Humpty Dumpty's 'great fall'...
Few people realize that it wasn't the end of the story...

Even though 'all the kings horses and all the kings men couldn't put Humpty together again', the Good News was, his Creator could...
Then there was more good news: Humpty Dumpty decided to get back up on the wall and begin again.
And more good news...He is stronger than ever before!

I remember when I first heard this story.
My impression was that the story ended too early.
There was so much more for ole' Humpty to contribute.
How could that be all there was?

This is so true for us as well.
We may have a 'great fall' and may even break into a few million pieces.
But the good news is that we have a Creator that is right there ready to put the pieces back together in a more powerful way than before.
The lessons we learn from these experiences are invaluable.
And then we get back up on the wall and realize the view is more remarkable than ever.
We appreciate life more because of where we have been.
We understand better the struggles of others because of shared experience.
We are less likely to 'judge' because we have 'been there' ourselves.

As Humpty Dumpty teaches us,
Falling isn't the end of the world.
It is the beginning of a new chapter.
It is an opportunity to rewrite the script and this time make it more in line
with our soul covenant.
It is a blank piece of paper and an invitation to 'write in' a more full and
service-oriented life.

Sometimes a 'great fall' is just what we need to 'wake up' to who we are and what we are here to do and be.
Sometimes a 'great fall' is just's great.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

The Beauty of Justice

The concept of Justice speaks to me of equality, fairness, sameness and enough for all...
Justice ensures that each individual is supported...each is loved, appreciated, guided, nurtured as they so need...
Justice ensures that all are held close to the heart ... and not some closer than others.
We all have different gifts and challenges...some greater than others...
Justice ensures that we will always have exactly what we need when we need it...
Justice protects us from discrimination, judgment, and all forms of unequal treatment...


Our Creator (Spirit) guides us to view all with the same open to clearly see the heart of the other and not be clouded or distracted by anything...
The Beauty of the Justice that we experience from our Maker holds nothing back...
It is fully available to us and accessible by us...

The Justice we receive, we must offer to others...
Justice is what we must 'be' in the world...

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Holding the Heart of Another

One of the wonders of the universe is the way we are each held by the Creator so tenderly and completely.
This love is so great it knows no limits.
For us, 'holding' the heart of another isn't always so easy.
Our love at times seems to have limits and boundaries...
We trouble ourselves with judgments that get in the way of our connection and our support.
Judgments towards others are simply reflections of our judgments towards ourselves.
By surrendering every aspect of who we are to our Creator,
We allow ourselves to be more fully who we were originally intended to be.


As we open to be supported fully,
we can more fully support others.
As we open our heart to be held and embraced,
So we can also hold and embrace another.

Allow yourself to 'see' and 'feel' and 'experience' this love totally.
Then offer what is in your heart in service to the world.

Monday, October 8, 2007

The Egg

God has blessed me with a remarkable Spiritual Teacher named Lee Kaiser.
He is 'out of this world'.
He came back into my life when I was right in the middle of a major life transition.
Chaos filled my life, which made me more eager to 'listen' than I might have been otherwise...
His love and compassion filled me.
He spoke to me as if he knew me at a deeper level than I knew myself.
He helped me to reconnect with my Creator in a way that was deeper than I had ever felt or experienced before...
His love for his God was so selfless and his commitment to service so strong.

I spoke to him about an egg that kept appearing in my mind.
And he said, 'Sit on it'...
So I have........been sitting on it...

And what I have been learning is:

Within me is an 'egg' of possibility.
This 'egg' holds all of the potentials of what I may become.
I can choose to realize these potentials or just let them 'sit'...

I wish to be of service to my Creator.
I wish to commit my 'egg' to be used as an instrument of peace, love, light
and wisdom in the world.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Take Time to Smell the Flowers

As I wonder about the beauty of the butterfly in the picture,
I am reminded that the butterfly doesn't have to be reminded to take time
to smell the flowers...
By being true to who it is, it automatically knows that the flowers
are a source of sustinance, power and life...
How different our lives would be if we were truly 'being' and 'doing' who we are...
Our Source (God) calls to us, but the noise of our lives is deaffening at times...


As we quiet our minds and our hearts, the call of who we are as soul returns to us.

Like the butterfly, we move toward the flower (Source) with anticipation, and with respect.

We recall why we are here, and that it is in our stillness that we find the God within...

The Wisdom of knowing how to find God is within us, but we must become quiet in order to remember...

Saturday, October 6, 2007

The Surrendered Heart

By surrendering our hearts to our Creator, we free ourselves for love...
We create space where pain lived...
We create openness where fear resided...
We create a bold sense of adventure and willingness to fully experience life and love...
By surrendering our hearts, they return again to us, whole and healed and complete...

The surrendered heart is one that knows that it need not hold on to its wounds...

The surrendered heart is one that knows that it is not necessary to retreat into its own pain...

The surrendered heart is free...

The surrendered heart is fearless...

The surrendered heart is ready to be of service to the world...

The surrendered heart

Friday, October 5, 2007

Healing Heart of Hope

Several years ago I was blessed to become a fellow in the Kaiser Institute Intuition Fellowship. When I first heard about the program, I somehow 'knew' that it was something that I 'must' do. When I met the creator of the program, Kevin Kaiser, I learned about his sincere desire to support people in learning about the still quiet voice within them (intuition).
He brought together a group of faculty that were remarkable people who were such kind and loving teachers, and they shared their gifts with us.
At the end of the program, there was a graduation, a type of intitiation into a new way of life.
For me, there was no going back.
I renewed my commitment to my Creator and asked to be an instrument of peace and love.

The symbol above, was given to me during prayer/meditation as a reminder of my commitment. The name, "Healing Heart of Hope" was what I heard.
The Heart in the symbol, connects me to the Heart of the Creator. It also connects me to others I must support in the world.
The wings represent, the freedom I experience within God's love.
The star above the Heart, represents the infinite potential that exits within each of us as we connect more fully into who we truly are...
What a blessing it has been to receive a symbol of love, light, power, wisdom and beauty...


Listen to the name that is 'yours'...
See the symbol that will be gifted to you as a reminder of the true Spirit within you...

Thursday, October 4, 2007

The Healing Heart
of God

In my experience, when I became ready to heal my own heart,
a pathway was created for me...
This pathway went directly from the heart within me to the Heart of the Creator...
It was there that I found love, hope, compassion, and a Wisdom that I had forgotten.

The pathway had been there all along...
It originated in the Heart of God and sought to connect with my heart...
I had created all sorts of obstacles and road blocks on my side...
God, Wisdom, released all the blocks and set me free.


The more I came to trust my own heart,
The more I came to know who I was...
The more I came to know who I was,
The more I came to trust in myself and in my Creator...
The more I came to trust in myself and my Creator,
The more I saw the beauty and the freedom that exist fully in the universe...
The more I saw the beauty and freedom in the universe,
The more I found beauty and freedom within myself and all others around me...
The more I found beauty and freedom all around,
The more I knew I must surrender to the healing of my own self and help support the healing of Mother Earth...