Sunday, January 18, 2009

Creating Connection...

Recently, my family took a little trip to Northern California where we visited a Monarch Butterfly Reserve.
It was breathtaking.
As you move into the grove of trees that 'house' the butterflies, you can feel their energy as they spiral around in the branches above you.
They have chosen a beautiful spot on the coast and come back there every year.
They fill the trees with a beautiful orange glow and cluster together in community.
The Park Ranger there explained to us that there are butterflies of different age groups there but their average age is about 17 days.
They create such beauty in the world in just 17 short days.

He explained that they search out milkweed plants on which they create their cocoon.
It's amazing that they choose what we would call a weed (milkweed), to create
their place of home.
They 'know' just the right amount of time to spend in creating this cocoon and just the right amount of time in staying within.
They 'know' just the perfect amount of time to wait to dry off their wings when they are coming out of the cocoon and just the perfect amount of time to wait to launch into flight.

There is so much to learn from these beautiful, wise and delicate beings.
They have developed such a sense of timing and rhythm.

They know how to create connection with others and form community.
They travel together and support each other on their journeys.
They do no harm.
They offer their wisdom to all that will take the time to engage them.
They are gentle and 'tread lightly on the Earth'.

So much wisdom...such a gift to our world.


Janice Lynne Lundy said...

Such a beautiful, thoughtful post! Thank you for sharing your journey with the butterflies with us. Your poetic words touch the soul and help us recognize ourselves—and our personal transformation—ever ongoing— in the butterfly's journey. A graced journey, to be sure!
Blessings, J

breathe as me said...

what lovely thoughts...the butterfly has held special meaning for me in the last three or so years...the symbolism of metamorphosis and unfolding is so powerful...

i have wanted to make the trip from so. cal. up north to see these amazing places you describe, and now more than ever i long to go and linger among the lovely winged fairies...